Chalinze Water Supply and Sanitation Authority (CHALIWASA) was officially declared in the government notice on 30th November 2012. Initially it was known as the National Water Project (Chalinze Water Supply Project - CWSP) which was initiated by the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania in the 1980’s. CHALIWASA is answerable to the Board of Directors appointed by the Minister responsible for Water and Irrigation. The objective of the Authority is to supply water to communities in various villages of the Coast and Morogoro regions including the growing urban settlements of Msata, Lugoba, Chalinze, Mdaula, Ubena-zomozi and surrounding villages. The main goal of CHALIWASA is to be independent (Autonomous) Authority which affords cost of operation and maintenance of machines due to Strategic Plan (2011 – 2016). The functions of CHALIWASA are defined by various legal documents related to provision of water supply and sanitation services and other policy, guidelines and regulations issued by the Ministry of Water (MoW), Energy and Water Regulatory Authority (EWURA).
Chalinze Water Supply Project (CWSP).
Chalinze Water Supply Project (CWSP) started in the year 2001 with a target of supplying water to 105,000 population by the year 2015. The construction of the project completed in the year 2003 whereby the scheme was commissioned to provide service to the community of 20 villages. The implementation of CWSP was planned in two phases (Phase I and II). Phase I of Chalinze water supply was financed by the Government of the People’s Republic of China in collaboration with the Government of Tanzania.
The first phase (Phase I) of the project was designed to cover 20 villages after its construction. The villages covered in phase I are: Pingo, Bwilingu, Pera, Msoga, Mboga, Lunga, Saleni, Diozile, Mindutulieni, Mazizi, Msata, and Kihangaiko in the South Wami direction. In the North Wami direction the following villages were covered, Mandera, Hondogo, Kilemera, Kikaro, Miono, Rupungwi, Kimange and Mbwewe. The coverage for both phases are 88% (220,241) of the total population (276,669) of the served area (census 2012) up to March 2015 i.e. some of the sub-villages in the villages in the phase II do not receive water services. Therefore more efforts need to be made to deliberately complete the construction of the remaining works
The cost for first phase was TZS 23.4 Billion and the following infrastructures were implemented: Intake structures, clarifier tanks, filter tanks, dosing room, clear water pump house, 2000 cubiq meters clear water tank, 5 mid-way pumping stations, 3 clear water tanks of 300 m3 and 6 clear water tanks of 500 m3, telecommunication facilities, administration building, staff quarters, electricity and the communication points. The length of the transmission main pipes is 461 km and 127 km of the distribution pipe lines up to now . The capacity of the intake is to produce 7,200 m3/day which will also accommodate requirements for the ongoing Phase II. The transmission pipes are also designed to accommodate demand for phase II.
The second phase (Phase II) started construction during 2008, with a total cost of Tshs 53.7 billion. The funding is a contribution from the Government of the Peoples’ Republic of China (Tsh. 5.6billion); The Bank of Arab Development in Africa (BADEA) (Tsh. 10.8 billion) and Water Sector Development Programme (WSDP) (Tsh. 37.3 billion). Phase II of Chalinze water supply covers 47 additional villages in 3 Districts namely Bagamoyo (38), Kibaha (4) and Morogoro rural (5). Due to its complexity the project was divided into 9 packages (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H & J). Two packages i.e. Packages F and H were implemented using funds from BADEA while package J (villages in Morogoro rural including Military camps) were implemented by using grant from Chinese Government. The remaining packages (A, B, C, D, E and G) were implemented under the Water Sector Development Programme & GoT. The project is ongoing.
CHALIWASA is supported by the Chalinze Water User Association (WAMACHA - Jumuiya ya Watumiaji Maji Chalinze), which is involved in consumers’ mobilization and protection of the infrastructure. WAMACHA is a legal entity, registered as COWSO in accordance with the Water Supply and Sanitation Act No. 12 of 2009.
The CHALIWASA Headoffice is located 160 km West of Dar es Salaam City near Wami bridge, covering an area of 9,300 km2 within an altitude ranging from about 10 to 470m above sea level.